A man wiring

Network Cabling / Wiring

Your new communications systems are only as good as their wiring.

Bad cable management shows – and the costs mount quickly.

Poorly managed network cabling can make servicing more difficult and costly.

We provide organized cable management solutions that protect, secure and organize your cables and wires. We specialize in large multi-floor wire installations, and no job is too big or too small. And if your current setup is faulty or if something goes wrong, we provide troubleshooting and testing services, too.

We wire for voice and data, cable TV, satellite TV, video monitors, speakers, card readers, door access and video conferencing.

Call us at 215-885-2952 to ask about our best-in-class network cabling and wiring services.

Have questions about network cabling or wiring? Contact us today for a FREE consultation.

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Vail Communications Logo

Vail Communications Inc. has been in business for 35 years.  We can provide small or large office Phone Systems, Voice and Data Wiring, Surveillance, and Door Entry Systems.

What can Vail do for you?

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